Arsen Babajanyan
April 17, 2019
Getting Around the City
April 24, 2019
Arsen Babajanyan
April 17, 2019
Getting Around the City
April 24, 2019A Stellar Case of Time Management: Diana Ghazaryan Prioritizes High-Class Organizations at Age 21.
Armenia is home to young entrepreneurs and professionals with a strong understanding of high-level digital matters. The 1980s and 1990s-born Armenians hold a versatile understanding of what it takes to be successful. Ultimately, leading to individuals that find their niche within geographic borders of Armenia, but surpass expectations at an international level.
Now imagine this: you must attend a football match for work in Avan until 17:00, then you must somehow coordinate a post-game media interview before arriving at your 17:30 conference call in the City Centre of Yerevan. If you cannot imagine the level of punctuality one must possess to succeed in these circumstances, then no worries - Diana Ghazaryan is a living example.
Diana Ghazaryan, born and raised in Yerevan in 1997, represents marketing and public relations for the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS). Separate from a full-time position with FEAS, she also overlooks press conferences and public relations for the newest and currently top professional football club in the Armenian Premier League - FC Ararat-Armenia.
She partakes and supervises various responsibilities regarding brand representation for the football club and international non-profit. Ghazaryan’s journey is a unique and unorthodox one, but not shy of success already at age 21. Before taking on two professional tasks, Ghazaryan was a student of the American University of Armenia (AUA), majoring in Public Relations and Communication. AUA provided the essential foundation for Ghazaryan’s career to kick-start into fruition. Since then, I Am Yerevan has followed her journey to success in the two complex yet different industries Ghazaryan thrives in: economic cooperation and development, and professional football.
We all have our own doubts. At times I feel as if it is never enough, or that my age hinders my ability to successfully start-up my own business. But, in the end.. It is okay to feel this way. That’s what motivation and growth is for -- to unleash your inner dreams.
During her academic years at AUA, Diana was offered a position with the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges, an international non-profit organization headquartered in Yerevan, Armenia as of 2017. The organization comprises of main stock exchanges in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Considering the geographic setting of Armenia, Ghazaryan points, “Yerevan is in an integral position to enhance cooperation, development, and support and promotion of capital markets in the Euro-Asian Region.” She believes with new technological advancements and diplomatic initiatives coming to Armenia, Yerevan has a unique potential to host conventions on economic cooperation amongst Eurasian states. Her ability to speak three languages fluently -- Armenian, English, and Russian -- showcases versatility and strength in her public relations endeavors. Ghazaryan sees FEAS as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation amongst nation-states through capital markets for the ultimate benefit of all participating countries. Hence, she visits many business meetings to internationally represent FEAS for strategic purposes.
Currently, Ghazaryan is preparing for the upcoming international conference on Financial Markets Beyond Technology in Bucharest, Romania, in June 2019. Time management is key, says Ghazaryan. FEAS is a serious organization that deserves genuine attention and work ethic. As a young professional, Ghazaryan efficiently organizes her availability around FEAS marketing and public relations needs, yet still provides outstanding expertise and efforts as Secretary of Press and Public Relations Manager for FC Ararat-Armenia.

“I don’t remember the last time I had a free moment -- and if I did, I thought to myself… there has to be something to do. There is no way I have free time,” says Ghazaryan while smiling. Her motivation to grow and excel as an Armenian woman translates to her professional career, and resembles the enlightened period of young intellectuals of Armenia. Hence, she exercises her talents and skills in two full-time positions as a woman in predominantly male industries. Better yet, her attitude points towards a direction that surpasses gender stereotypes in the workforce -- it is professionalism at its finest.
“When you’re at a high-level accompanied by high-status organizations similar to FEAS and FC Ararat-Armenia, gender does not matter in regards to work ethics. Your capabilities speak for yourself. At the end of the day, if you produce, it doesn’t matter your background.”
Ghazaryan’s progressive attitude helps FC Ararat-Armenia create a statement amongst the Armenian Premier League in various outlets. Football in Armenia is a loved phenomenon, but gaining viewership and fandom is a difficult task. The main goal for the professional football club is to market their stellar football performances, obtain brand recognition, and develop the club’s reputation on and off the field. Ghazaryan is the person in charge of this mission to succeed, and though it is not easy, Ghazaryan is up for the challenge. She expresses her guilty pleasure for obstacles as such:
“ I would consider it almost like building a puzzle from the ground-up. Doesn’t matter the level of difficulty that the puzzle entails, it must be done. And it must be done right with no shortcuts. That’s the beauty of it.” She explains that her expertise and what she offers establishes her as a vital piece of the puzzle that subsequently creates a grander image. “So, regardless if it is FC Ararat-Armenia, or FEAS -- I take pride in helping these organizations in numerous circumstances.” Ghazaryan sees this opportunity mutually beneficial. Stating that, “not only does it build our brand, but also builds character.”
Since Ghazaryan takes on various responsibilities upon a work week, she hardly has time to herself. But when she does, she enjoys her time in Yerevan. On her free time, the young professional socializes and visits local spots for some great music and better beer. So we asked her some tips on how to have fun after work in Yerevan.
Where would you find yourself typically on a Yerevanian evening?
Diana: One place you can find me after work is the Mirzoyan Library. I know what you are thinking -- a library?! Well, it is much more than just a library. It is a lively, high-energy location where creatives of all ages meet to debrief their intellectual ideas after a long, hard-worked day.
What is your favorite activity to partake in Yerevan?
Diana: I love joining in on GITELIQ Creative Forums, a place that hosts guest speakers that averages an audience of more than 100. During these forums, I network with other local and visiting professionals from a wide array of industries. Whilst it is a professional forum, it emphasizes and promotes a location for locals and visitors to gather and exchange thoughts and ideas.
What are some recent new activities you have explored in Yerevan?
Diana: Whenever I do have a couple of minutes to breathe, relax, and focus on myself, recently I have resorted to Yoga. Though a beginner, I attend Shoonch Yoga classes at least a couple of times per week. Although all those emails and phone calls consume the most of my day, I encourage any form of relaxation to end the day on a positive note.
What do you advise to other young individuals in Armenia aiming to build their own niche in success?
Diana: We all have our own doubts. At times I feel as if it is never enough, or that my age hinders my ability to successfully start-up my own business. But, in the end... It is okay to feel this way. That’s what motivation and growth is for -- to unleash your inner dreams. Every challenge you face… make sure you face it. Embrace it. Be patient. Because you rather go through some bumpy roads and sacrifices in your 20s than look back and asks ‘what if?’ in your 40s.